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ANNA’S Wild Yam Cream


ANNA’S Wild Yam Cream:

Anna’s wild yam cream has traditionally been used in Western Herbal Medicine to relieve menstrual pain and spasms and also to reduce occurrence of menopausal symptoms.

1 in stock



ANNA’S Wild Yam Cream:

Anna’s wild yam cream has traditionally been used in Western Herbal Medicine to relieve menstrual pain and spasms and also to reduce occurrence of menopausal symptoms.


The cream is for external use only. As per the instructions, massage well into chest, neck, abdomen, breasts, inner arms & thighs. The mentioned areas of the body absorb the cream quite well. Select one area for each application.


In Menstrual Discomfort: Begin on Day 12 to 20 with ¼ (one fourth) small 2.5ml teaspoon AM and PM; Day 21 to 28 with 1/2 (half) a small teaspoon AM and PM.

In Menopause: Begin on Day 7 with ¼ (one fourth) of a small 2.5ml teaspoon AM and PM then as above repeat a new cycle if required.

NB: Day 1 is always the beginning of your period.

The dosage quantity is initially 0.625g then incrementing to 1.25g.

To simplify the dosage a portion of a teaspoon has been expressed. Since Anna’s was launched in 1997 teaspoons have become larger here in Australia commonly the size of American teaspoons which are twice as large and is 5ml.

The dosage amounts as a portion of both sized teaspoons has been expressed to make it easier for you to follow.

It’s recommended you to fill your teaspoon with cream and level it, then divide it into 4 if using the 5ml teaspoon so you can check the amount of cream for a 1/8th (one eight) and a ¼ (one fourth) of a teaspoon and 2 if using the 2.5ml teaspoon so you can see 1/4 and 1/2 of the teaspoon.

We recommend that you do this once to check how much the quantity looks like on your finger tip as a guide to how much cream you require to apply from then on.

One jar of Anna’s shall last 3 months if following the Milder Menstrual Pain and Spasms protocol and 2 months if following the Menstrual Pain and Spasms protocol.

One jar shall last 2 months if following the Menopause and Post Menopause protocol unless more cream is required to be used to rub into the insides of your wrists whenever a night sweat  or hot flush occurs. It is expected that the hot flushes and night sweats to become less severe and come less often until they disappear altogether.

Ingredients in 1g

Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam) – 200mg (liquid extract)

Vitex Agnus-Castus (Chaste Tree) – 15mg (liquid extract)

Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera)  – 50mcg (inner leaf juice powder)

Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) – 20mg

Contains soya bean products and herbal extract solvent alcohol – (ethanol 13.67% v/v)

Article: Wild Yam has a long history of use as a ‘women’s herb’ …. read more.


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