Post CoVID 19: return to new normal

Post CoVID 19: return to new normal (8th June 2020): We are returning to a new normal.  What does it look like?  Well it certainly looks a bit different.  Gradually we are seeing people visiting parks, shopping centres, the zoo and the cafes.  There is a cautious opening up of the purse strings by consumers to buy a little bit more than the necessities – and relievedretailers are closely monitoring shopper numbers and assisting everyone to maintain social distancing and minimising risk to their health and wellbeing – through provision of sanitisers and increasing the frequency of environmental cleaning.

Residents of the Dubbo and the greater Orana region do want life to continue as normally as possible. To do so everyone has to pitch in.  By respecting the rules and protocols stipulated by the Australian Government and the Department of Health.

For updates on the Coronavirus please visit

  • The Australian Government Department of Health website ( provides general information on Coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • Phone the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.

As tourist venues open up, authorities are all working hard to make sure the venues are safe for us all.  This means that the Toronga Zoo in Dubbo, for instance, is currently placing a limit on daily numbers and tickets have to be pre-purchased online.

So, if you are visiting Dubbo and the Orana region, make sure you check online for restrictions and closures.

What can you do to keep yourself and your family safe?  Continue to monitor the situation carefully.

What the coronavirus pandemic has really brought home is just how important health care is.  There are some steps you can take to be a happier healthier you.  With the right approach you can gain back control over your health – boost your immunity today. Shift your priority today.

This makes it clear that two topics dominate our minds.  One is the financial crisis and recession that we face.  The other is our health.

It is time to consider both.