Senna is the leaf or fruit of the plant Senna alexandrina. It contains many chemicals called sennosides that are used to make medicine.

Senna is an FDA-approved laxative. It is used to treat constipation and also clears the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopy. Senna is also used for weight loss, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and haemorrhoids.

Senna fruit seems to be gentler than senna leaf. This has led the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) to warn against long-term use of Senna leaf, but not Senna fruit. Teas and extracts made from Senna plants have long been used as stimulants and laxatives in traditional herbal medication. Originally from Egypt, Senna is now framed worldwide, including countries like Somalia and India.

Most mercantile products are attained from Cassia acutifoliaorCassia angustifolio, generally known as Alexandrian and Indian Senna, respectively. Today, Senna is most often sold as an over-the-counter constipation supplement or a tea; but it’s also sometimes used in drinks and weight loss pills.

How is Senna Tea Used?

The most popular application of Senna tea is to stimulate bowel movements and relieve constipation. The primary active compounds in Senna leaves are known as Senna glycosides, or sennosides. Sennosides cannot be absorbed in your digestive tract, but they can be broken down by your “good” gut bacteria. This breakdown of sennosides lightly excites the cells in your colon, an effect that stimulates intestinal movement and produces a laxative effect.

Senna is an active ingredient in many popular over-the-counter laxative medicines, such as Nature’s Remedy and Ex-Lax. For most people, it will stimulate a bowel movement within 6-12 hours.

Health Benefits

Relieves Constipation

Consuming Senna is beneficial for short-term treatment of constipation. Senna is likely effective for adults and children aged 2 years and above. Senna may also be able to soften the stool by helping the large intestine absorb more water and adding bulk faeces. This allows for bowel movements that are smooth and quick as waste passes through the large intestine.

Colon Cleanse

Senna is often used to clear the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopies. Cleansing the colon is believed to support overall colon health and enhance nutrient uptake.


Senna also works as a favourable vermifuge (an anthelmintic medicine that destroys parasites) to banish worms and perish parasites from the intestinal tract. It works best when combined with other anthelmintic herbs, such as fennel or ginger. These herbs increase regularity and reduce the possibilities of bowel cramps due to Senna’s potent action.

Digestive Health

In the event of indigestion, Senna contains natural enzymes that help to recover gastric juice secretions in the stomach. Senna, if used in the accurate dosage for particular periods of time, has shown probability in decreasing irritability in the intestines by improving overall digestion.

Senna also contains the anti-inflammatory compound resveratrol which can help to soothe inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Skin Health

Senna leaves contain tannins and essential oils that help to soothe skin inflammation. With a potent antibacterial activity, they can be made into a pounce which can be applied to burns and wounds.

Ethanol and acetone – other compounds present in Senna – can fight the microorganisms that cause acne. Senna also helps to reduce sebum production and enhance collagen production and cell regeneration.

Recommended Dosage

A typical dose of a senna-based supplement is 15-30 mg per day for no longer than 1 week.

How to Prepare Senna Tea at Home

Senna tea is often portrayed as having a sweet, mild, and slightly bitter flavour. Unlike other herbal teas, it isn’t specifically aromatic on its own. However, many commercial teas combine Senna with other herbs that can change the flavour and the final aroma.

If you’re using a blend or tea bags, follow the package instructions. And if you’re preparing Senna tea from scratch, soak 1-2 grams of dried Senna leaves in hot water for 10 minutes. Avoid drinking more than 2 servings per day. You can also add a touch of sweetener like stevia or honey.

Final Thoughts

Senna is a natural laxative.Senna tea is available in vitamin shops, health food stores, and online. But it is advisable to avoid long term use for managing bowel functions and always consult with a healthcare professional before taking a supplement to ensure that the dosage and supplement are appropriate for your individual needs. It is necessary to carefully read the ingredient list and the nutrition facts panel to know which ingredients and how much of each ingredient is included. Please review the supplement label with your healthcare provider to discuss any probable interactions with other supplements, foods, and medications before you begin using Senna-based supplements.

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