Simple is beautiful(12th July 2020): As life gets overly complicated, and there is a heightened anxiety about the spread of Coronavirus one thing we can all hone in on and cling to is the simple pleasures of life.
As we enter into the school holiday period in full swing and it is getting difficult to move around the country with border closures and controls – why not stay at home and enjoy our backyard?
One of the activities that has increased since the last lockdown has been birdwatching. I suggest you pick up a book of Australian birds and have a look around and see if you can identify our Australian birds.
The bushfires and the drought have taken its toll on our bird life has it has with our flora and our native animals like the koala.
Birdwatching can be relaxing and invigorating and its good for the birds as well.There’s research and evidence behind this thought bubble!
We know that should there be a lockdown like the one in Victoria, in the rest of the country, and in our backyard – there will be a huge impact on our mental health.
We know even social distancing can make us feel lonely. The fact that you cannot shake hands, or hug your friend or your loved one when you meet them down town – can be isolating even depressing. The fact that you cannot easily visit family or friends in other towns or States can bring a sense of hopelessness and isolation. Are we living in the same country?
If like Victoria, other parts of the country including New South Wales has a second lockdown, the sense of frustration, hopelessness and even anger will resurface.
So, to ward against negative feeling, it is important to hone in and enjoy the simple pleasures of life – like walking, reading, bird watching, cooking, knitting, needlework, basket weaving …. What’s the one activity that you really love doing and never had the time to do? Don’t put it off this is perhaps the best time as any.
While we continue to monitor the coronavirus spread and control – let us continue to practice good hygiene and social distancing. Let us reach out and support each other through this crisis.
And when it comes to talking about our health – let us not forget to boost our immunity. Reach out for some support – there is plenty of good quality products out there.
Take that supplement or that immune boosting green tea…. the options are endless…..Keep well keep safe, and entrust yourself to the healing powers of nature.