The Importance of Proper Digestion

The Importance of Proper Digestion (6th March 2021):

Are you frequently experiencing troubles like bloating, abdominal cramping, constipation, or gas? These are a few signs that your digestive system is in need of a little support.

Indeed, discomfort resulting from poor digestion can cause confusion, anxiety, and frustration amidst your hectic daily schedule… Don’t worry, for today we are here to share a few tips to aid your diet and lifestyle choices.

Always remember that your digestive system plays a crucial role in your overall well-being. It’s responsible for processing the food you eat, absorbing the needful nutrients, and then excreting the waste that no longer serves a purpose.

Poor digestion is really common when you are not having the right combinations of foods, or cannot understand how to prepare them in a way that aids digestion. Now, let’s have a quick look at the causes of improper digestion.

  • Inappropriate Fibre and Water Intake:

Fibre promotes the growth of healthy bacteria that help in proper digestion. Water helps break down food items to promote optimal digestion, and softens the stool. Dehydration due to decreased water intake increases the chances of constipation and diarrhoea. Thus, both fibre and water are key players in healthy digestion.

  • Excessive Intake of Processed Foods:

Processed food items are void of fibre, water, vitamins, and minerals. Moreover, intake of sugar and artificial ingredients present in the processed food items lead to the inadequate accumulation of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. This ultimately results in poor digestion.

  • Sedentary Lifestyle:

Movement is crucial to stress management and optimal digestion. When we are sedentary, or not exercising, the muscle of the digestive tract is not stimulated enough to push the food through the various stages of digestion.

  • Not Having the Right Balance of Foods:

It’s necessary to have a proper balance of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals in your diet schedule. Each of these macronutrients serves a purpose in digestion. If we under-eat, or over-eat, and don’t give our body the nutrients it needs, our digestive system may start showing signs of distress. Continuing to eat food items your body is intolerant to may further lead to long-term complications in your digestive tract.

Say goodbye to indigestion with the easy four…

  • Learn to understand your satiety and hunger cues. The more mindful you are with your eating practices, the better you can nurture your digestion.
  • If your digestion is disrupted only after having specific food items, then food intolerance may be to blame. The best way to identify your food intolerances is to use a journal. This will allow you to track your symptoms in accordance with your intake. In this way, you can perform an elimination diet to determine the root cause of your digestion issues.
  • If everything else fails, then get in touch with health experts. They can recommend you digestive enzymes in the form of supplements.
  • Additionally, always be aware of your stress levels, and have a stress-relieving practice to turn to.Even a thirty-minute brisk walk outdoors would be great!

Our body expects us to be respectful towards it in every way possible. So, don’t forget to take breaks during work. Get quality sleep for at least eight hours…Eat and drink healthy, and do the things you enjoy the most!

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